A Wee Mouse. A Big Problem.

I’m conflicted. There’s a mouse living in our house. He/she moves very quickly, and seems to live under our stove. I have encountered one other mouse since living here, which my cat helped me catch (it’s a long story that begins with a Tupperware container and three dogs and ends with me releasing the creature in the field behind our house).
I realize that they carry disease and chew wires, but the problem is that every time I think about setting a trap, I am reminded of my first pet—a black gerbil named Max, who I loved dearly. And I just can’t do it—I feel like I’m betraying that childhood pet. And once I catch him, who’s to say that his friends won’t move on in? If they aren’t living in the house already? On a side note, I feel the same about raccoons and squirrels. (It will be an awful day when all these creatures figure this out.)
I’d love to explain to the mice that they are more than welcome to live in the barn, or even in the chicken coop. But unfortunately, they don’t seem to understand English. Does anyone have any peaceful remedies for relocation? Any tips would be welcome, because I would love to reclaim my stove’s bottom drawer.