The Gleaner

Contraband tobacco not slowing down

le jeudi 25 juin 2015
Modifié à 0 h 00 min le 25 juin 2015
Par Mario Pitre

The integrated team fighting against illegal contraband tobacco has so far arrested 64 people this year, all of which demonstrates that these activities are not slowing down along the U.S. border.

The update rendered public by the RCMP Thursday reports these 64 arrests made since the start of the year, as well as the seizure of about 30 vehicles and the withdrawal from the market of more than 660,000 cigarettes and close to 25,000 kilograms of tobacco, for a market value of about $2.3 million.

« These figures demonstrate that the contraband activities are continuing : that goes with the information we received about the increase of our workforce assigned to this illegal business, » said Sgt. Luc Thibault of the RCMP communications office.

In 2014, the work of some police officers had enabled the arrest of 172 individuals – 140 men and 32 women – as well as the seizure of illegal cigarettes and tobacco whose value totalled $4,433,641. More than 50 vehicles were also confiscated, for a value of over $400,000.

Several of these interventions happen on a regular basis in neighbouring sectors of Lake St. Francois, such as the Haut-Saint-Laurent and Soulanges.

« We are on the lookout more than ever, » continues Sgt. Thibault, speaking of the work conducted by the members of the integrated team battling against illegal contraband tobacco, which includes those of the RCMP from detachments of the Central Valley of St. Laurent and Cornwall, of the Surete du Quebec’s investigation service on contraband, as well as the Ontario Provincial Police.

Two fugitives

Moreover, the RCMP is also maintaining a close surveillance regarding two fugitives who escaped from Dannemora prison in New York State in the eventuality where they would have attempted to cross the border.

« We are working in close collaboration with the police authorities from the states of Vermont and New York; all information we can obtain is also shared with our partners, » the spokesman indicated.

Let us note that the U.S. police officers have let it be known that the DNA traces of two fugitives had been detected in a chalet situated on Franklin County territory, a few kilometres south of the border.

The surveillance is moreover maximized at border posts where each vehicle is scrupulously inspected.

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