Howick Fire Department, a close-knit community
Emily Southwood - The mayor of Howick, Rick Raithby, has been a volunteer fireman for 31 years. His son, Dale, has also been a part of the team for five years and they are not the only father and son duo. Remarkably, the sons of five of the Officers who make up the Howick Fire Department join their fathers in responding to emergency calls. What is clear among them is how dedicated they are to providing this community service, as well as how gratified they are by working as a close-knit team. What it takes The 25 volunteers who make up the Howick Fire Department all carry a radio, and at least seventy-five percent of the department shows up to each call. Each one of these Volunteer Firemen has completed their training through École Nationale – Pompier 1 and maintains their readiness to respond with monthly practices. They do physical training at their own fire hall, and are now also able to benefit from Huntingdon’s new Mutual Aid building where there is a new physical training center, and 30 pieces of equipment available to the other member municipalities. “Remarkably, the Haut Saint Laurent is the only region of Quebec that works this way and it’s an incredible set up,” Mr. Raithby explains. “If Ormstown comes with a pumper and volunteers, there is no cost, other than the yearly dues of the 300 members. It’s truly a remarkable exchange of efforts and services.” Howick, a team of fathers and sons The other father and son volunteers within the Howick Fire Department are Alan Cullen, the Fire Chief, who has been with the department for 38 years and his son Dustin for eight. Robert Scoble, who has served with the team for 42 years, and is now joined by his two sons Andrew (service of 10 years) and Mitch (of three). Brian Macfarlane has been with the department for 34 years and his son Dale now for three. Ken Mcrae has volunteered for 23 years, along with his two sons Shane (five years) and Kent (for three). As for what it’s like to have so many fathers and sons working together in Howick, Mr. Raithby explains, “Everyone works very well together.” As one can imagine, there are many family members who sit on the edge of their seat when there is a call. Mr. Raithby speaks to this aspect when he says, “We’ve had some tough times, but when it’s all over and done with, you know you’ve tried your best. It’s all about being a part of the community and making friends you might have not otherwise met. It’s been a very gratifying 31 years.”