The Gleaner

New coordinator for the Huntingdon Farmers' Market

le mardi 15 mars 2016
Modifié à 0 h 00 min le 15 mars 2016
Par Mario Pitre

Ian Ward, a market gardener from Elgin, is the new coordinator for the Huntingdon Farmers' Market.

Ward is also taking over from Sylvain Gascon, who held the position for several years and accomplished a great deal developing the organization. A market gardener himself with the Jardins Glenelm in Elgin, Ian Ward is very aware of the importance and the potential of the Farmers' Market in what is essentially an agricultural region.

"I'm proud to support the administrative committee which has been working tirelessly for several months to promote the Farmers' Market, and develop an even greater connection between residents of the Haut-Saint-Laurent and our excellent local producers," he remarked.

The Farmers' Market will soon conduct a survey to guide the directors in deciding how best to connect, as closely as possible, the actual needs of citizens and producer.

Translated by Cathleen Johnston